An annotated distributional checklist of exotic freshwater fishes from the baja California Peninsula, Mexico

Gorgonio Ruiz-Campos*, Salvador Contreras-Balderas, Asunción Andreu-Soler, Alejandro Varela-Romero, Ernesto Campos

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


We documented the distributional status of 27 exotic fish species in the inland waters of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico, based on voucher specimens collected from 122 sites between 1977 and 2010, and on published records. The species reported here are representatives of genera from the Atlantic drainages of North America (Ictalurus, Ameiurus, Pylodictis, Morone, Lepomis, Pomoxis, Dorosoma, Cyprinella, and Micropterus), Middle America (Poecilia, Gambusia, and Xiphophorus), Eurasia (Cyprinus and Carassius), and Africa (Tilapia and Oreochromis). The family containing the highest number of species is Centrarchidae (7 species) followed by Ictaluridae and Poeciliidae (6 species each). Four species were determined to be invasive due to their wide distribution and fast dispersal through the Peninsula (Gambusia qffinis, Poecilia reticulata, Lepomis cyanellus, and Tilapia sp. cf. zillii). We analyze the impacts of exotic species on the native populations of 3 species with problems of conservation: Cyprinodon macularius (endangered), Fundulus lima (endangered), and Gasterosteus aculeatus (vulnerable). Alien fishes have been introduced for a variety of reasons in Mexico: ornament, sport, aquaculture, biological control, and by accident. In some cases fish introductions were carried out for more than one reason.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)216-234
Number of pages19
JournalRevista Mexicana de Biodiversidad
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2012


  • Alien fishes
  • Baja california peninsula
  • Curatorial records
  • Freshwater
  • Impacts


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