Enhancement of the photochromic and thermochromic properties of molybdenum oxide thin films by a cadmium sulfide underlayer

M. A. Quevedo-Lopez*, R. F. Reidy, R. A. Orozco-Teran, O. Mendoza-Gonzalez, R. Ramirez-Bon

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

38 Scopus citations


We investigated the photochromic and thermochromic behavior of amorphous MoO3 films prepared by thermal evaporation of MoO3 powder on glass and glass/CdS substrates. We used the cadmium sulfide as a carrier charge injector to produce higher color center concentrations in the MoO3 film. The semiconductor CdS (cadmium sulfide) film was synthesized using the chemical bath deposition technique. The glass/MoO3 and glass/CdS/MoO3 films were subjected to tungsten lamp (100 W) exposure times of 45 to 180 min to study the photochromic sensitivity of the films. To study the thermochromic properties, samples were thermally annealed at temperatures ranging from 100 to 250 °C during 2 h. X-ray diffraction studies show that the CdS films were polycrystalline, and the oxide films were amorphous. Optical absorption measurements showed the presence of an absorption band centered around 850 nm due to the formation of color centers. Concentrations of these were calculated using the Smakula equation. Results indicate that the addition of CdS films enhances the photochromic and thermochromic properties of MoO3. Photochromism is more effective than thermochromism in generating color centers when using CdS as a charge carrier.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)151-155
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2000
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank Dr O. Zelaya-Angel (CINVESTAV-D.F) and Dr J. Gonzalez-Hernadez (CINVESTAV-Qro) for their invaluable scientific comments, and the DGIT office. This work was partially supported by CONACyT Ref. 489100-5-2000 PE.


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