Gold Extraction from Mulatos Mine Sulfides Concentrate Using Oxidative Acid Pretreatment

Jesus L Valenzuela, Patricia Guerrero Germán, Bracamontes Landavazo Maria de los Angeles, Jose R Parga Torres

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Currently the gold and silver found in ores with low grade either where they are occluded in the ore, which are known as minerals refractory for its difficulty to extract them, causing that conventional methods of extraction are not economically feasible. Treating to increase the recovery of these values, extraction of gold from refractory of matrix sulfide concentrate was studied, ore samples were collected from Mulatos Mine, located in municipality of Sahuaripa, Sonora, Mexico, for which oxidation takes place in acid medium using ferric sulfate and sulfuric acid as oxidizers (pretreatment), followed by leaching with cyanide. The concentrate has a grade of 97 g/ton Au, 0.25% Cu and 15% Fe. XRD is confirmed the presence of the species of silica and pyrite. In experiments conducted so far was found to be the extraction of gold without using any prior pretreatment as low 24%, while making the acid pretreatment 0.5 M H2SO4 - Fe2(SO4)3 at conditions T = 50° C, PO2 = 0.35 MPa, followed by neutralization with lime and leaching with cyanide (0.5%) NaCN, T=25°C and P= 1 atm. Gold extraction increased to 90%.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationSME Annual Conference 2019
Subtitle of host publicationSME 2019
Place of PublicationDenver, CO, Estados Unidos
PublisherSociety for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
ChapterChemical Processing
StateSubmitted - 27 Feb 2019

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