Heating rate effects on the TL characteristics of hot filament CVD diamond film

E. Cruz-Zaragoza, S. Gastélum, R. Quispe, R. Meléndrez, M. Pedroza-Montero, M. Barboza-Flores*

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1 Scopus citations


The thermoluminescence (TL) glow curve of polycrystalline chemically vapor deposited (CVD) diamond is strongly dependent on the heating rate used. In the present work, we report results about the heating rate effects on a 500 μm hot filament (HF) CVD diamond film grown on silicon substrate using a precursor gas mixture composition of CH4(5 sccm)- CO(10 sccm)-H2(400 sccm). The irradiations were performed with 60Co source. The TL measurements were carried out at different heating rates in the 2-30 K/s range. As the heating rate increases, the maximum TL peak intensity decreases and shifts to higher temperature. The shift was from 578 to 669K for heating rates of 2 and 30 K/s, respectively. The kinetics parameter and its dependence on the heating rate were evaluated using the Chen's peak shape method and a computerized glow curve deconvolution (CGCD) method.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2114-2118
Number of pages5
JournalPhysica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 2010


  • CVD diamond films
  • Glow peaks
  • Heating rate effects
  • Kinetics parameters
  • Thermoluminescence


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