Physicochemical, structural, mechanical and antioxidant properties of zein films incorporated with no-ultrafiltered and ultrafiltered betalains extract from the beetroot (Beta vulgaris) bagasse with potential application as active food packaging

Francisco Rodríguez Félix, Julio Alfonso Corte-Tarazón, Sarai Rochín-Wong, Jesús Daniel Fernandez Quiroz, Alba Mery Garzón-García, Irela Santos-Sauceda, Plascencia Martinez Damián Francisco, Lerma Hanaiy Chan-Chan, Claudia Vasquez Lopez, Carlos Gregorio Barreras-Urbina, Alberto Olguín-Moreno, José Agustín Tapia Hernández

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Food Engineering
StatePublished - 2022

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