Revisiting the refraction of humans and ants through dijkstra´s algorithm

Julio Cesar Campos García, Oscar Rubén Gómez Aldama, Marco A López M, Viridiana Gómez, Mario H Uriarte M, L. Castro-A.*

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In this paper we revisit the study on the refraction of humans and ants, using graph theory to construct models of connected flat graph of both systems. Subsequently, the Dijkstra algorithm is implemented through a MATLAB code, with which the corresponding data matrices are obtained. These matrices provide the optimal time trajectories for each of the graphing models, in their different configurations. In the case of the human system, the prediction turned out to be of the same order as predicted by the Fermat Principle in that cited literature reference. In the case of ants, the predictions are quite coherent according to the elaborated models of graph, although these do not obey the original experimental arrangements.
Original languageSpanish (Mexico)
Article number2304
Pages (from-to)1-6
Number of pages6
JournalLatin American Journal Education
Issue number2
StatePublished - 15 Feb 2019

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